Monday 25 February 2013

A corporate pantry delivery service in Malaysia

If you are looking for an office pantry supplier,you should choose one which stocks a considerable number of items. As an employer, you probably want to offer a wide range of fresh goods to your workforce because they might have asked for it. Disposable household income is at an all-time low but, by providing food to your workers, you are maintaining job satisfaction levels. This is because your workforce will be very happy that they are able to enjoy their favorite foods without having to pay for it.

However, you might discover that the total cost of doing the aforementioned is very expensive and time-consuming. This is because you might ask an employee to get food and drink from a supermarket and this is time which your company cannot afford to lose. Courtesy of Doorstep, online office supplies can be ordered whenever you want and at a price which can suit your budget. So, what items of food can be purchased from this office pantry supplier?

The answer to the aforementioned is a considerable number of items. If employees like to have their breakfast whilst at work, this is possible because Doorstep has many cereals to choose from. Not only can many Kellogg cereals be purchased but also Nestle too. If you want to buy oatmeal for employees, you can. As well as cereals, loaves of bread and many types of spreads are available such as jams, marmalades and peanut butter.

For other office pantry supplies which could be eaten throughout the day, Doorstep can help if you want to buy fruits and vegetables. Apples, bananas, oranges and pineapples can be bought which could be enjoyed not just as part of a healthy lunch but also chopped up and added to breakfast cereals.

Caffeine plays a central role in any office, especially as employees might want to have a cup of coffee as soon as they arrive at work. Freeze-dried and whole coffee beans, which can be put into coffee machines, can be ordered from Doorstep and so too can a huge variety of teas which are available in many different flavours. Apple, blackcurrant and mango are some of the tea flavours which can be purchased.

So, what about delivery? You might wonder how your order will arrive to your office even if you have bought a considerable number of items.Doorstep offers a comprehensive KL grocery delivery service as well as in other Malaysian locations and you don’t have to pay a delivery charge when your order is above RM150. Even if it is below this figure, you only have to pay RM10. If you are unsatisfied with any of your order, Doorstep offer a three day return policy. Although we take great care in delivering our goods, any damaged items can be returned when you inform us about them within this time frame. 

To place your order, visit

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